TREDFOR classes were sort of free post-counseling sessions and a break from a day full of school work. The first weeks were about Jesus Christ's mission. Sir Ian stressed that Jesus's focus is on proclaiming the Kingdom of God. He proclaimed it through His words and deeds. He made known the commandment “love God and love your neighbors”. Redemption was also discussed and the promise of it. The word “redeem” is defined as getting what is yours. It is important to note that we can only reap what we sow, much more similar to getting back all the things and actions that we did to others. Discipleship was then studied and how the disciples lived their lives. Being a disciple of Jesus was not an easy task to anyone since it required great faith in order to be called Jesus' disciple. The RH Bill was analyzed briefly in one of the meetings during the Pro-life week. Sacraments were also discussed in class and were defined as tangible signs of an invisible reality.
Human maturity and marriage were discussed simultaneously in the second part of the course. It is known that God offers life and love thus marriage is a gift from God. Marriage is also a commitment between two individuals. Marriage is faith, total and faithful, an acceptance of the other person as having equal dignity and responsibility, is exclusive and is a continuing commitment. Since human maturity is one of the three ares in marital commitment, together with value clarification and authentic love, it was further discussed into five more areas. The identity vs. confusion concept stemmed on the dependence-independence goals, give-and-get balance, troublesome feelings, sexual responsibility and hostility. Conscience vs. super ego fall under troublesome feelings. The whole fall under human maturity.
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